Sunday, November 22, 2015

No Justice

Journal Entry #4

After continuous efforts of trying to get justice for my damaged Model-T, none has been equated for my own being. I have complained to the town and asked for justice and they just have not given me any help. They are just waiving my claims off as they mean nothing. They are treating my problem as a damaged shirt or shoe rather than a car. I greatly appreciate the father of the house who Sarah has lived with for offering me help, but that is not necessary. It is my problem to resolve. I am holding off my marriage until after my case is through. The real shame of the situation is that it has impaired my life and relationship with Sarah. I love Sarah very much, but I feel that this case is very important. Will Conklin needs to be penalized for what he did to me, and I just will never let this case go until justice is served. If I don't get my car fixed and an apology from Will Conklin, we are going to have problems.

Coalhouse Walker Jr.

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